
The final straw, the final strike. You made your move and played your hand. All your cards are on the table. I called your bluff and saw through your lies. I could have helped you, I could have guided you, walked you through all this pain and loneliness. Instead you cast me to the side. Threw me away like I was nothing. You once whispered sweet nothings in my ear, and soft kisses against my skin. You saw me, the real me, the me I am inside. In the blink of an eye I became nothing but another notch in your belt. You have cast a great shadow over my heart.

But don’t worry. It will come back around. I’ve played the game, I know how it works and I know how to move. We are but chess pieces on a great chess board and now its my move, my Queen is about to take your King . You should have been honest with me. You should have told me the truth. I would have given you the same courtesy that you gave me. But its ok; You’ll never hear from me again. At least…Not my voice. But I am imprinted everywhere you go, you’ll see me in the back of your mind, hear my voice in the silence. Its to late now. You will never escape me. You see, I like this game and I have never lost. The game was already over before you even began. I even let you play the first move. Love, you never even should have picked up the piece.

The game is over, at least for you. Checkmate. And there will be no rematch.

(Just so everyone knows this is not directed at anyone in particular. Just practicing my writing skills and trying to expand my vocabulary. Thanks 🙂 I really am a happy person. For the most part lol )

Love’s Nightmare Part 3

Charis rushed around her apartment, packing a small bag full of clothes and food. S. Raven appeared behind her and threw a shadow bolt at her. She dodged just in time and fell over her coffee table. “WHOA!” She yelled out and threw up her arms.

Shadow Raven laughed and leaned over her. “Hello…” before leaning down and picking her up by her throat. She growled and shoved the palms of her hands into his elbows, causing him to drop her, she very swiftly palmed him in the nose and pushed him back.

“Back off,” she growled.

S. Raven held his nose and groaned, whiping up the blood. “What the hell. That was a cheap shot!” He yelled at her, glaring.

CHaris growled, “So was throwing a shadow bolt while my back was turned ass whipe.”

She grabbed her bag and walked out her door, ::Dont follow me.:: She commanded S. Raven.

::Why not!:: S. Raven yelled in her head. He groaned and walked into her bathroom and used a white  towel to whipe the blood off his nose.

::None of your damn business.:: She growled again and headed towards the store. Charis looked at the sky as it turned a pale red. “Damn,” She whispered and walked down some stairs next to the store and into a seceret door and closed it swiftly behind her.

::Charis…:: The voice called in her mind again. ::Charis, Its time that you take her place…::

Charis leaned against one of the chairs in her hiding place and closed her eyes, flash backs of her parents fights.


“Leave her out of this!” her mother called out and slammed her fist on the table, staring at her father.

A younger Charis stood next to the door with her brother, Silas, listening to one of the many daily figths.

“No! You almost died because of her Angelus. And you dont want to punish her?” Her father bellowed. Angelus didnt even flinch, only glared.

Angelus shook her head “No, she tried, have you not looked at her. She will have scars all over her body because of you. She cant fight off 100 men like you.”

“The hell she cant Angelus. I will make her learn so.” He growled.

Charis looked at her arms and her hands, cuts and gashes all over her body from a previous war. Silas put an hand on her shoulder and just nodded. She looked down and silently began to cry, an angry cry.

“I am still here.”

“Luckily!” Her father growled and looked up as Angelus crossed her arms. They both looked at the door as they heard Silas call out for Charis.


Charis sat down in the chair and ran a hand through her hair. she took of her jacket and examined her hands and arms. She had old scars,all the way up to her shoulders. She slammed her fist on the table before looking up in the eyes of S. Raven. She screamed and fell back.

S. Raven started to laugh then fell over laughing. “That…” he took a deep breath. “So FunnY!”

“DAMN IT! WHY ARE YOU HERE! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE!” She screamed at him and tackled him.

He held her back. “Whoa! I just wanted to know why you left is such a hurry!.”

“My father is out there…Waiting for me. Its time, he says, for me to take my mother’s place.”

“What does that mean?” S. Raven asked and pushed her off of him.

“When I was younger, he told me and my brother that my mother was…” she paused and had a thoughtful look on her face. “She was not useful anymore and told us that it was our job to put her out of his misery.”

S. Raven looked at her. “You were sent to kill your mother.”

“Aye.” She nodded and stood up walking over to a window and looked out at the people passing on the street above them. “Silas took the job with a willing smile, I had a slight problem with that. She protected me from him countless times. Now I hate her and would have no problems…Although he does not see it that way.”

S. Raven choked back a laugh. “you’ve got to be kidding me. Your father is goign to kill you becacuse A. Silas cant find her, and B. Your the next best thing. That is hilarious.” He started to laugh.

Charis looked down. “Just damned funny.” She whispered quietly before turning and heading towards the bedroom. “Now Fuck off.” she growled and slammed the bedroom door closed.

S. Raven raised an eyeborw and sat in a chair, placing his feet on the table. “What an interesting story.”

::Kill her…::A voice spoke in his mind. ::Kill her so I do not have to.::

S. Raven smiled ::With pleasure.::